Community Standards

Last updated 10 August 2023

Community Standards 

Splurge is a platform that welcomes all users of different backgrounds. We have taken into account the cultural differences, beliefs, and orientations of all the users hence making it a platform for all. 

To foster a safer and inclusive environment within the Splurge platform, the team has created a set of guidelines that will help everyone identify what activities are prohibited. Splurge as a platform stands for the following: 

Legitimacy. Users and the content that they create within the platform are encouraged to be authentic and transparent. 

Safety and Privacy. Splurge is a public platform that allows eligible users to make an account within the platform. With this, the team has taken into account the safety of all the users for them to have a great experience within the platform. 

Dignity. Because Splurge is a platform that encourages self-expression and creativity, users are encouraged to respect other users. 

Authenticity. Splurge is an ad-free and paid promotion-free platform. It does not allow any form of advertising within the platform. It is our means to differentiate our platform in different social media platforms. 

Given these principles, the Splurge team has taken into consideration the different views and beliefs of people and communities from different backgrounds. 

On some occasions, Splurge will allow content that may go against the community standard as long as it is for public interest and awareness. This may be allowed as long as it won’t go against any human rights standards. 

By accessing and/or the Splurge application, you agree to abide by these community standards and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. If you do not agree with these community standards, you should not use nor access this application or use any other services provided by Splurge Technologies, Inc. Splurge Technologies, Inc. reserves the right to review and amend any of these Community Standards at our sole discretion. Upon doing so, we will update this page. Any changes to these Community Standards will take effect immediately from the date of publication, and you will be bound by them if you continue to use our applications. We hope that you will continue to use our applications, but if you do not agree to our updated terms and no longer want to be a part of the Splurge community, you can delete your account at any time. Splurge has sole authority and discretion to decide whether any content or activity in the Splurge application violates these standards.

Types of Offenses

Minor Offense

This covers activities when a user goes against the community standards under the minor offense category. Consequently, the Splurge team will send a warning message. This message will be sent through the user’s Splurge account and registered email address. 

For a user’s first offense, he/she will have his/her account blocked for 1 day (24 hours from the time that the reported offense has been found to have violated our community standards). This will prohibit the user from purchasing any Swans, Swanlings, and conducting any trading activities within the Splurge app. 

If the user commits a second offense, he/she will have his/her account blocked for 3 days (72 hours from the time that the reported offense has been found to have violated our community standards). This will prohibit the user from purchasing any Swans, Swanlings, and conducting any trading activities within the Splurge app. 

If the user commits a third offense, the account will automatically be disabled and will not be accessed by the user. This is effective right away once the third offense has been found to have violated our community standards. 

Major Offense

This covers activities when a user goes against the community standards under the major offense category. Consequently, the Splurge team will send a warning message. This message will be sent through the user’s Splurge account and registered email address. 

For a user’s first offense, he/she will have his/her account blocked for 7 days (168 hours from the time that the reported offense has been found to have violated our community standards). This will prohibit the user from purchasing any Swans, Swanlings, and conducting any trading activities within the Splurge app. 

If the user did a second offense, the account will automatically be disabled and will not be accessed by the user. This is effective right away once the second offense has been found to have violated our community standards. 

Community Regulations

A. Child Exploitation and Abuse

Splurge strictly prohibits content that exploits or endangers children and posts containing nude photos of children, even if posted by their parents or relatives. Towards this end, the following types of content are prohibited on the Splurge platform:

  • Content that promotes, advocates, praises, threatens, provides instructions for, makes statements of intent, admits participation in or shares links or other imagery of the sexual exploitation of children, sexual abuse of children, or pedophilia, including but not limited to:
      • Sexual intercourse or oral sex, whether implied or actual
      • Stimulation of genitals or anus, even when it is not apparent or imminent
      • Presence of by-products of sexual activity
      • Children with sexual elements such as restraints, focus on genitals, presence of aroused adult, presence of sex toys, sexualized costume, stripping, staged environment, open-mouth kissing
      • Children in a sexual fetish context, even if only showing feet
      • Posts mocking, attempting to mock, or putting down victims or survivors of child sexual abuse or exploitation
  • Content that solicits or attempts to solicit, trade, ask for, sell, buy, facilitate, plan, or create child sexual abuse material, nude images of children, sexual or sexualized images of children, actual or real encounters with children, make-believe or digital sexual encounters with children (including digitally-created characters of children, toddlers, or babies), or other types of content that shows children in a sexualized context
  • Content that exposes, aims to, or facilitates exposure of children to sexually explicit language or sexual material
  • Content that threatens to expose intimate or sexually-related images or information of children, whether in exchange for favors, money, other benefit, or none at all
  • Content that threatens to expose, expressing an intent to share, or actually sharing private sexual conversations with a child/children or intimate images or information
  • Content depicting child nudity, which may show close-ups of children’s genitalia, nude toddlers, nude minors, or digitally-created characters of children, toddlers, or babies (unless for health or educational purposes)
  • Content depicting child abuse in whatever form, whether physical, mental, or emotional, even if not sexually-related, including content that promotes, advocates, praises, threatens, provides instructions for, makes statements of intent, admits participation in or shares links or other imagery of the same

Splurge likewise prohibits comments or messages to children, whether visible to the public or through private messaging, that may be considered as an inappropriate interaction with them, such as requesting, asking for, securing, trading, buying sexual material from them, or engaging or attempting to engage in sexual conversations with them.

B. Crime Prevention

The following types of content are prohibited on the platform:

  • Content that exposes the identity (e.g., personal information) or current locations of people other than the account holder without the third party’s consent, except if the person is a public official, a public personality, or a public figure;
  • Content that exposes the undercover status of law enforcement, military, police, or security personnel;
  • Swatting, including statements of intent, calls to action, representing, supporting, advocating for, admitting to or speaking positively about it;
  • Depicting, promoting, advocating for or encouraging participation in a high-risk viral challenge or speaking positively about it;
  • Intent, calls to action, representing, supporting or advocating for, or depicting, admitting to or promoting acts of physical harm against animals except in cases of hunting, fishing, religious sacrifice, food preparation or processing, pest or vermin, self-defense or redemption
  • Staged animal fights
  • Intent, calls to action, representing, supporting or advocating for harm against property, whether through vandalism, hacking, theft, voter and/or census fraud, vote-buying, or others

C. Dangerous Organizations and Individuals

Individuals or organizations involved in organized crime are prohibited in Splurge. This includes organizations designated by the U.S. government as Specially Designated Drug Trafficking Kingpins (SDNTK), Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) or Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT), and those listed by the Philippine government as terrorist organizations. Representation of these entities is likewise prohibited on the platform, including the presence of leaders or prominent members of these organizations, the use of icons representing them, or the use of content praising those leaders or their actions. In addition, we will remove the coordination of material assistance to these individuals and organizations.

Neither do we allow content that glorifies, endorses, or depicts events that Splurge has identified as terrorist attacks, hateful events, multi-victim violence, or attempted multi-victim violence, serial killings, hate crimes, or violent events. We also do not allow praise, endorsement of content, or display of hateful ideologies.

D. Fraudulent Activities

Splurge prohibits content that willfully, intentionally, or purposely, or aims to defraud, swindle, misrepresent, deceive, victimize or exploit people, institutions, companies, or businesses, including content that promotes, encourages, facilitates, or recruits for these types of activities. Examples of these activities include, but are not limited to:

  • All types of scams, such as investment scams, loan scams, gambling scams, ponzi or pyramid schemes, identity / impersonation scams, charity scams, grant and benefits scams, spiritual or religion-related scams, insurance scams, debt relief or credit repair scams
  • Money muling or money laundering
  • Establishment of false businesses or entities
  • Fake jobs
  • Betting manipulation
  • Manipulation of markets, such as the stock market, or goods and services
  • Manipulation of measuring devices, such as electricity or water meters
  • Creating, selling, buying, trading, promoting, or facilitating the transfer or exchange of fake, forged, or counterfeit (a) documents, (b) currency or vouchers, and (c) educational or professional certificates
  • Using, selling, buying, trading, promoting or facilitating the exchange of stolen information, goods, or services, such as financial information and personal information
  • Using, selling, buying, trading, promoting, or facilitating the exchange of credentials for subscription services, fake or misleading user reviews or ratings, and answer sheets or exam papers

E. Prohibited Items and Services

Types of content that promotes, puts up for sale, asks for, or are looking to purchase, trade, donate, gift, transfer, poach, auction, or raffle the following are banned from the Splurge platform:

  • Explosives;
  • Firearms;
  • Firearm parts;
  • Ammunition;
  • Lethal enhancements;
  • Non-medical drugs;
  • Endangered wildlife and plants;
  • Historical artifacts
  • Human body parts and human blood (except for a donation or gift);
  • Equipment for the manufacture of firearms, firearm parts, explosives, ammunition, lethal enhancements, or non-medical drugs;
  • Instructions to make or use firearms, firearm parts, explosives, ammunition, lethal enhancements, or non-medical drugs; and
  • Hazardous goods and materials.

An exception is when any of the above is part of bounty requirements or goals, and is posted in furtherance of such bounty requirements or goals.

F. Self-harm

Splurge prohibits content that advocates, supports, coordinates, or provides instructions for the following:

  • Self-harm
  • Suicide
  • Eating disorders

The following types of content may also be taken down by the Splurge team:

  • Posts that contain graphic imagery of any in the above list or similar content
  • Posts showing a person who is engaged in, or is about to engage in a suicide or self-harm attempt
  • Posts that show ribs, collar bones, thigh gaps, hips, concave stomach, or protruding spine or scapula when shared together with terms associated with eating disorders
  • Posts that contain instructions for drastic and unhealthy weight loss when shared together with terms associated with eating disorders
  • Posts mocking, attempting to mock, or putting down victims or survivors of suicide, self-harm, or eating disorders

G. Violence

We will remove language, wherever located in the Splurge platform, that incites or encourages serious violence. If we determine that there is a real risk of physical harm or direct threat to public safety, we will remove content, disable accounts, and cooperate with law enforcement when necessary. We also use language and context to try to distinguish between casual speech and content that poses a serious threat to public or personal safety. Additional information, such as personal public information and risks to physical safety, may also be considered when determining whether a threat is credible. Specific or conditional threats against terrorists or other violent actors are not considered credible unless there is concrete evidence to the contrary.

The following types of posts are prohibited:

  • Violence, admission, and threats of past, present, or future (as applicable) violence targeting people or places, including veiled statements or posts regarding the same;
  • Content that asks, offers, or shares services for hire to kill others or supports, praises, or recommends the use of a hitman, mercenary or assassin against a target, or in any manner encourages such services;
  • Positive statements in relation to kidnapping or abduction or statements that may push someone to conduct the above acts, including admissions, threats, statements of intent or advocacy, or aspirational or conditional statements to kidnap or abduct someone
  • Content that depicts kidnappings or abductions
  • Content that promotes, supports, encourages, advocates, or leads to self-inflicted physical harm, including content that puts self-inflicted physical harm in a positive light
  • Instructions on how to make or use weapons or explosives if there is evidence of a goal to injure or kill people or promote such violence, and unless there is clear context that the content is for a non-violent purpose (for example, part of commercial video games, clear scientific/educational purpose, or fireworks)
  • Statements of intent or advocacy, calls to action, or aspirational or conditional statements to bring weapons to locations, including but not limited to places of worship, educational facilities, polling places, or locations used to count votes or administer an election (or encouraging others to do the same).
  • Similar statements or content, upon the sole determination of the Splurge team